The Parish Church of
Saint Mary and All Saints, Whalley

We are delighted that you are interested in having your child baptised in Church.
In Scripture St Matthew (Matthew 19: 13-15) records Jesus saying 'let the children come to me.' We are also told that Jesus blessed the children brought to Him, so we would offer that blessing to your child and your family.
So what is Baptism? This is a special service in which your child is received into membership of the Church. At this service you, as parents, with the child's Godparents (sometimes known as sponsors), will be asked to make promises that you will bring up your child in the Christian Faith. It is a serious business, and not to be undertaken lightly.
The vows taken at Baptism are as serious as those taken at a Wedding or any other important event.
Baptism is the first stage of a child becoming part of the family of the Church, and we hope as they grow older they will make the promises you undertake for them at Baptism for themselves at CONFIRMATION.
Because we take Baptism seriously we would ask you as parents to attend Church at least three times before the ceremony. Services at St Mary and All Saints, Whalley are at 10.00 am on Sundays.
The ceremony of Baptism for those who do not usually attend Church are held by arrangement. If you wish to have your baby/child baptised in the main service please negotiate this with the Vicar.
You need to attend Church one Sunday to pick up a Baptism Form.
Initially, please book your child's baptism with the Clerk (telephone number 01254 823249) who will be able to tell you if the date you require is free. This date will then be confirmed by post. In the weeks leading up to your child's baptism the Vicar or one of the Clergy Team will visit you.
For more information on Baptisms please visit:
We look forward to seeing you on this special occasion.